Monday 26 March 2012

health problems

Health problems

  1. Eye infections
  2. Corneal dystrophy
  3. Hip dysplasia
  4. Chocolate toxicity

Chocolate toxicity

Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree.  Theobromine is one of the main ingredients of chocolate. It is this ingredient that causes toxicity in dogs and cats. Theobromine being a methylxanthin that stimulates the cardiac muscles and the CNS(central nervous system). in addition, it promotes diuresis and induces smooth muscle relaxation. The liver metabolizes theobromine with mainly urinary excretion. Traces of theobromine Is also found in urine of patients suffering from toxicity. It is important to note that theobromine can be reabsorbed back into the liver through the bladder.

Chocolate also contains caffeine which is toxic to both cats and dogs, however the percentage of caffeine in chocolate is very less than compared to that of theobromine, hence it does not cause much toxicity. Both dogs and cats cannot digest or metabolize theobromine as quickly as us, which leads to excess build up, hence resulting in toxicity. Dogs more than cats fall victim to chocolate toxicity as cats unlike dogs do not have much taste for sweet and sugary food.

The type and amount of chocolate consumed by the patient along with his/her size is also very important to consider. Different types and forms of chocolate contain different levels of theobromine and cause toxicity in different levels. For instance, white chocolate also contains theobromine, however in very less quantities, hence toxicity due to the consumption of white chocolate is less.

The following formula can be used to work out the dose of theobromine consumed by a pet:

(Total amount of chocolate consumed × Theobromine per gram) ÷ Body weight in Kg

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